Tutoring 2 Rise

A modern Education for a modern generation

More about us:

What We do:

Tutoring 2 Rise is an online tutoring platform that offers students in grades K-12 private lessons where they receive additional help. The teacher-student ratio is always 1 on 1 during individual classes and can be up to 5 students in group lessons! Classes are flexible to your schedule!

Our Mission:

To help immigrant or second-generation students rise to their potential and mentor them as they face new challenges throughout their academic lives. It is also our goal to help and watch our students grow into the geniuses they all are!

Our Tutors:

Our tutors are high-school upperclassmen and college students who excel academically and are amongst the top 10% of their classes. It has been proven that students have an easier time connecting and learning from tutors closer to their age. Our tutors have access to amazing resources online to help your child best and meet their academic needs. We look forward to guiding your child through their academic journey!

Tutoring 2 Rise

Benefits of Tutoring 2 Rise:

International Students

We work with foreign students where English isn’t their first language. We prioritize easy and effective communication with all students.

Impactful Connections

Our tutors excel at the subjects they teach and will act not only as academic guides but also as role models for your child.

Online Classes

Tutoring 2 Rise is an online platform. Students can take lessons from around the world, anytime, anywhere; They can have access to learning resources online and easier communication with tutors.